import typing
from collections import ChainMap
import event_model as em
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import LiveDispatcher
from databroker import Broker, Header
from trackpy import link, locate
from crystalmapping._vend import gen_stream
[docs]def gen_processed_images(images: typing.Iterable[typing.Union[list, np.ndarray]],
subtrahend: typing.Union[list, np.ndarray]) -> typing.Generator[np.ndarray, None, None]:
"""Generate processed image from a series of images.
The process procedure is (1) turn ot numpy array, (2) average the frames to a two dimensional image, (3)
subtract the image and fill zero in negative pixels.
images :
A iterable of images. The dimensions of each image is no less than 2.
subtrahend :
The subtrahend image. The dimensions of each image is no less than 2.
processed_image :
A two dimensional image.
subtrahend = np.asarray(subtrahend)
subtrahend = get_mean_frame(subtrahend)
for image in images:
image = np.asarray(image)
image = get_mean_frame(image)
image = subtract_image(image, subtrahend)
yield image
[docs]def get_mean_frame(frames: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Average the frames to a two dimensional image."""
n = np.ndim(frames)
if n < 2:
raise ValueError("The dimension of {} < 2.".format(n))
elif n == 2:
mean_frame = np.copy(frames)
elif n == 3:
mean_frame = np.mean(frames, axis=0)
mean_frame = np.mean(frames, axis=tuple((i for i in range(n - 2))))
return mean_frame
[docs]def subtract_image(minuend: np.ndarray, subtrahend: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Subtract the image and fill zero in negative pixels."""
ans = np.zeros_like(minuend)
np.subtract(minuend, subtrahend, out=ans, where=ans > 0)
return ans
[docs]def get_dataframe(run: Header) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get the dataframe from the stream. Drop the time column."""
return run.table().drop(columns=["time"])
[docs]class ImageProcessor(LiveDispatcher):
"""A callback to average frames of images, subtract it by another image, and emit the document."""
def __init__(self, data_key: str, subtrahend: np.ndarray):
"""Initiate the instance.
data_key :
The key of the data to use.
subtrahend :
The 2d image as a subtrahend.
super(ImageProcessor, self).__init__()
self.data_key = data_key
self.subtrahend = np.asarray(subtrahend)
[docs] def start(self, doc, _md=None):
if _md is None:
_md = {}
_md = ChainMap({"analysis_stage": ImageProcessor.__name__}, _md)
super(ImageProcessor, self).start(doc, _md=_md)
def event_page(self, doc):
for event_doc in em.unpack_event_page(doc):
[docs] def event(self, doc, **kwargs):
frames = np.asarray(doc["data"][self.data_key])
minuend = get_mean_frame(frames)
result = subtract_image(minuend, self.subtrahend)
new_data = {k: v for k, v in doc["data"].items() if k != self.data_key}
new_data[self.data_key] = result.tolist()
self.process_event({'data': new_data, 'descriptor': doc["descriptor"]})
[docs]class PeakTracker(LiveDispatcher):
"""Track the peaks on a series of images and summarize their position and intensity in a dataframe."""
def __init__(self, data_key: str, diameter: typing.Union[int, tuple], **kwargs):
"""Initiate the instance.
data_key :
The key of the data to use.
diameter :
The pixel size of the peak.
kwargs :
The other kwargs for the `trackpy.locate`.
kwargs["diameter"] = diameter
super(PeakTracker, self).__init__()
self.data_key = data_key
self.config = kwargs
[docs] def start(self, doc, _md=None):
_md = {"analysis_stage": PeakTracker.__name__}
super(PeakTracker, self).start(doc, _md=_md)
def event_page(self, doc):
for event_doc in em.unpack_event_page(doc):
[docs] def event(self, doc, **kwargs):
image = doc["data"][self.data_key]
df = locate(image, **self.config)
df = df.assign(frame=doc["seq_num"])
for data in df.to_dict("records"):
self.process_event({"data": data, "descriptor": doc["descriptor"]})
[docs]class TrackLinker(LiveDispatcher):
"""Track the peaks in frame and link them in trajectories.
When a stop is received, the data will be pulled from the databroker and processed. Then, the dataframe will
be emitted row by row.
def __init__(self, *, db: Broker = None, search_range: typing.Union[float, tuple], **kwargs):
"""Create the instance.
db :
The databroker. If None, this callback does nothing.
search_range :
The search_range in ``.
kwargs :
Other kwargs in ``.
super(TrackLinker, self).__init__()
kwargs["search_range"] = search_range
self.config = kwargs
self.db = db
[docs] def start(self, doc, _md=None):
_md = {"analysis_stage": TrackLinker.__name__}
super(TrackLinker, self).start(doc, _md=_md)
def event_page(self, doc):
[docs] def event(self, doc, **kwargs):
[docs] def stop(self, doc, _md=None):
features = get_dataframe(self.db[doc["run_start"]])
df = link(features, **self.config)
descriptor = next(iter(self.raw_descriptors.keys()))
for data in df.to_dict("records"):
self.process_event({"data": data, "descriptor": descriptor})
super(TrackLinker, self).stop(doc, _md=None)
[docs]class DataFrameDumper(object):
"""Dump the dataframe to the database using databroker."""
def __init__(self, db: Broker):
"""Create an instance"""
super(DataFrameDumper, self).__init__()
self._db = db
[docs] def dump_df(self, df: pd.DataFrame, metadata: dict = None):
"""Dump the data frame into the database with the metadata."""
if not metadata:
metadata = {}
data = df.to_dict("records")
for name, doc in gen_stream(data, metadata):
self._db.insert(name, doc)