API Documents


exception crystalmapping.plans.TomoPlanError[source]

Error in the plans.

crystalmapping.plans.configure_area_det(detector, exposure, acq_time)[source]

Configure exposure time of a detector in continuous acquisition mode.


Take a dark scan in “dark” stream.

crystalmapping.plans.fly_scan_nd(detectors: list, *args, move_velocity: float, time_per_point: float, time_per_frame: float, shutter: object, shutter_open: Any, shutter_close: Any, shutter_wait_open: float = 0.0, shutter_wait_close: float = 0.0, take_dark: bool = True, md: Optional[dict] = None, backoff: float = 0.0, snake: bool = False, open_and_close: bool = False) Generator[source]

Move on a grid and do a fly scan at each point in the grid.

For example, fly_scan_nd([detector], motor_y, 0, 10, 11, motor_x, 0, 20, 21, motor_fly, 0, 5, 6, time_per_point=10, time_per_frame=1, shutter=shutter, shutter_open=1, shutter_close=0, shutter_wait_open=2, shutter_wait_close=5, move_velocity=5, take_dark=True, md={“task”: “fly scan sample 1”, backoff=0.5, snake=False}) means that set detector so that it will collect one image for 10 s one image contains 10 frames and each frame for 1 s

for y in 0, 1, 2, …, 10: for x in 0, 1, 2, …, 20: move to (x, y) wait 5 s collect dark image during the movement open shutter wait 2 s fly scan the motor_fly from -0.5 to 5.5 collect 6 images during the fly close shutter


A list of detectors. The first one must be an area detector. The list shouldn’t include the motors in the args.

patterned like (motor1, start1, stop1, num1,

motor2, start2, stop2, num2, motor3, start3, stop3, num3,motorN, startN, stopN, numN)

The first motor is the “slowest”, the outer loop. The last motor is the “fly” motor, the non-stoping scan along an axis. For all motors except the first motor, there is a “snake” argument: a boolean indicating whether to following snake-like, winding trajectory or a simple left-to-right trajectory.


The speed for the motors to move to the next grid point.


The time to collect one image at one point.


The time to collect one frame in a image. One image contains serveral frames.


The fast shutter.


The value of the shutter in open state.


The value of the shutter in close state.

shutter_wait_openfloat, optional

The time between the shutter open and the start of the light image collection, by default 0.

shutter_wait_closefloat, optional

The time between the shutter close and the start of the dark image collection, by default 0.

take_darkbool, optional

If true, take a dark image at the end of the fly scan, by default True

mddict, optional

The dictionary of the metadata to added into the plan, by default None

backofffloat, optional

If non-zero, fly scan from start - backoff to end + backoff, by default 0.

snakebool, optional

If true, snake the axis of the fly scan, by default False

open_and_closebool, optional

If true, open and close shutter at every point, by default False


The messages of the plan.


Empty detector list.


Not enough motors.


Wrong motor positions format.

crystalmapping.plans.grid_scan_nd(detectors: list, *args, snake: Optional[Union[list, bool]] = None, time_per_point: float, time_per_frame: float, shutter: object, shutter_open: Any, shutter_close: Any, shutter_wait_open: float = 0.0, shutter_wait_close: float = 0.0, take_dark: bool = True, md=None) Generator[source]

Scan over a mesh; each motor is on an independent trajectory.


A list of ‘readable’ objects

patterned like (motor1, start1, stop1, num1,

motor2, start2, stop2, num2, motor3, start3, stop3, num3,motorN, startN, stopN, numN)

The first motor is the “slowest”, the outer loop. The last motor is the “fly” motor, the non-stoping scan along an axis. For all motors except the first motor, there is a “snake” argument: a boolean indicating whether to following snake-like, winding trajectory or a simple left-to-right trajectory.

snakebool, optional

If true, snake the axis of the fly scan, by default None


The time to collect one image at one point.


The time to collect one frame in a image. One image contains serveral frames.


The time to collect one image at one point.


The time to collect one frame in a image. One image contains serveral frames.


The fast shutter.


The value of the shutter in open state.


The value of the shutter in close state.

shutter_wait_openfloat, optional

The time between the shutter open and the start of the light image collection, by default 0.

shutter_wait_closefloat, optional

The time between the shutter close and the start of the dark image collection, by default 0.

take_darkbool, optional

If true, take a dark image at the end of the fly scan, by default True

md[type], optional

The dictionary of the metadata to added into the plan, by default None, by default None


The messages of the plan.


Empty detector list.


Not enough motors.


Wrong motor positions format.

crystalmapping.plans.loop_forever(motor: Device, left: float, right: float, timeout: float = inf) Generator[Any, None, None][source]

Move motor from left to right and right to left repeatedly until t seconds pass


class crystalmapping.servers.Commands[source]

A collection of commands.

create_best_effort_config(cfg_file: str) None[source]

Create the configuration file for best efforts server.


The configuration file. It is an .ini file.

create_extremum_config(cfg_file: str) None[source]

Create the configuration file for extremum server.


The configuration file. It is an .ini file.

run_best_effort(cfg_file: str, test: bool = False) None[source]

Run best effort server.


The configuration file. It is an .ini file.

testbool, optional

If True, it is a pytest mode, by default False.

run_extremum(cfg_file: str, test: bool = False) None[source]

Run extremum server.


The configuration file. It is an .ini file.

testbool, optional

If True, it is a pytest mode, by default False.

class crystalmapping.servers.Extremum(config: ExtremumConfig)[source]


class crystalmapping.crystalmapper.CrystalMapper(_config: Optional[MapperConfig] = None, _dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, _frames_arr: Optional[DataArray] = None, _dark: Optional[ndarray] = None, _light: Optional[ndarray] = None, _windows: Optional[DataFrame] = None, _intensity: Optional[ndarray] = None, _bkg_intensity: Optional[ndarray] = None, _coords: Optional[List[ndarray]] = None, _metadata: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

The Calculator of the crystal maps.

auto_process() None[source]

Automatically process the data in the standard protocol.

create_crystal_maps() None[source]

Create the crystal maps after finding the Bragg spots.

find_bragg_spots() None[source]

Find the Bragg spots before creating the crystal maps.

load_bluesky_v1(run: Any) None[source]

Load the data and metadata from the version 1 databroker.


A version 1 BlueskyRun (Header).

load_bluesky_v2(run: Any) None[source]

Load the data and metadata from the version 2 databroker.


A version 2 BlueskyRun.

show_dark(*args, **kwargs) FacetGrid[source]

Show the dark image.

show_frame(index: int, *args, **kwargs) FacetGrid[source]

Show the frame at that index.

show_intensity(**kwargs) FacetGrid[source]

Show the intensity array.

show_light(*args, **kwargs) FacetGrid[source]

Show the light image.

show_light_sub_dark(*args, **kwargs) FacetGrid[source]

Show the dark subtracted light image.

show_windows(*args, **kwargs) FacetGrid[source]

Show the windows on the dark subtracted light image.

show_windows_on_frame(index: int, *args, **kwargs) FacetGrid[source]

Show the windows on the frame at the index.

tune_RoI(number: int, half_width: int) None[source]

Tune the RoI number and half width.


Number of the RoI regions. Choose from the strongest.


Number of pixels excluding the center for the half width of the RoI region.

visualize(peaks: Optional[List[int]] = None, **kwargs) None[source]

Show the crystal maps of certain peaks.


A list of integer of the peaks.

class crystalmapping.crystalmapper.MapperConfig(enable_tqdm: bool = True, image_data_key: str = 'dexela_image', RoI_number: int = 100, RoI_half_width: int = 25, trackpy_kernel_size: int = 25, slice_of_frames: Optional[slice] = None)[source]
exception crystalmapping.crystalmapper.MapperError[source]


class crystalmapping.callbacks.DataFrameDumper(db: Broker)[source]

Dump the dataframe to the database using databroker.

dump_df(df: DataFrame, metadata: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

Dump the data frame into the database with the metadata.

class crystalmapping.callbacks.ImageProcessor(data_key: str, subtrahend: ndarray)[source]

A callback to average frames of images, subtract it by another image, and emit the document.

event(doc, **kwargs)[source]

Receive an event document from the raw stream.

This should be reimplemented by a subclass.


All keyword arguments are passed to process_event()

start(doc, _md=None)[source]

Receive a raw start document, re-emit it for the modified stream

class crystalmapping.callbacks.PeakTracker(data_key: str, diameter: Union[int, tuple], **kwargs)[source]

Track the peaks on a series of images and summarize their position and intensity in a dataframe.

event(doc, **kwargs)[source]

Receive an event document from the raw stream.

This should be reimplemented by a subclass.


All keyword arguments are passed to process_event()

start(doc, _md=None)[source]

Receive a raw start document, re-emit it for the modified stream

class crystalmapping.callbacks.TrackLinker(*, db: Optional[Broker] = None, search_range: Union[float, tuple], **kwargs)[source]

Track the peaks in frame and link them in trajectories.

When a stop is received, the data will be pulled from the databroker and processed. Then, the dataframe will be emitted row by row.

event(doc, **kwargs)[source]

Receive an event document from the raw stream.

This should be reimplemented by a subclass.


All keyword arguments are passed to process_event()

start(doc, _md=None)[source]

Receive a raw start document, re-emit it for the modified stream

stop(doc, _md=None)[source]

Receive a raw stop document, re-emit it for the modified stream

crystalmapping.callbacks.gen_processed_images(images: Iterable[Union[list, ndarray]], subtrahend: Union[list, ndarray]) Generator[ndarray, None, None][source]

Generate processed image from a series of images.

The process procedure is (1) turn ot numpy array, (2) average the frames to a two dimensional image, (3) subtract the image and fill zero in negative pixels.


A iterable of images. The dimensions of each image is no less than 2.


The subtrahend image. The dimensions of each image is no less than 2.


A two dimensional image.

crystalmapping.callbacks.get_dataframe(run: Header) DataFrame[source]

Get the dataframe from the stream. Drop the time column.

crystalmapping.callbacks.get_mean_frame(frames: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Average the frames to a two dimensional image.

crystalmapping.callbacks.subtract_image(minuend: ndarray, subtrahend: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Subtract the image and fill zero in negative pixels.


class crystalmapping.peakindexer.AngleComparsion(h1: numpy.ndarray, h2: numpy.ndarray, angle_sample: float, angle_grain: float, diff_angle: float)[source]
class crystalmapping.peakindexer.IndexResult(peak1: int, peak2: int, u_mat: ndarray, hkls: ndarray, losses: ndarray, loss: ndarray, ac: AngleComparsion)[source]

The result of peak indexing.

class crystalmapping.peakindexer.IndexerConfig(dspacing_bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, index_agl_tolerance: float = 1.0, index_tth_tolerance: float = 0.1, index_best_n: int = 256, index_all_peaks: bool = True)[source]

Configuration for the PeakIndexer.

exception crystalmapping.peakindexer.IndexerError[source]

Error of the PeakIndexer.

class crystalmapping.peakindexer.PeakIndexer(config: ~crystalmapping.peakindexer.IndexerConfig, _datasets: ~typing.List[~xarray.core.dataset.Dataset] = <factory>, _ai: ~typing.Optional[~pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator.AzimuthalIntegrator] = None, _cell: ~typing.Optional[~pyFAI.calibrant.Cell] = None, _peak_index: ~typing.Optional[~xarray.core.dataset.Dataset] = None, _peaks: ~typing.Optional[~pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None, _ubmatrix: ~crystalmapping.ubmatrix.UBMatrix = <crystalmapping.ubmatrix.UBMatrix object>, _pred: ~crystalmapping.peakindexer.PredictedReflection = PredictedReflection(q=None, d=None, tth=None, hkls=None), _previous_result: ~typing.Optional[~xarray.core.dataset.Dataset] = None)[source]

The Calculator of the crystal maps.

guess_miller_index(peak_ids: List[str]) None[source]

Guess the index of the peaks in one grain.


The index of the peaks in the table.

hist_error(peak_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, size: float = 4.0, bins: Any = 'auto') None[source]

Plot the histogram of erros.

peak_idsList[str], optional

A list of peak IDs to plot, by default None, plot all peaks.

sizefloat, optional

Size in inches for the individual panel, by default 4.

index_peaks_by_U(U_index: List[int]) None[source]

Index the peaks using the U matrix from previous results.


0-index of the U matrix to use. It is from best to worst in previous result.

load(data_files: List[str], euler_angles: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], poni_file: str, stru_file: str) None[source]

Load the necessary data.


A list of netcdf4 files output by CrystalMapper.


A list of (alpha, beta, gamma) value of Euler anlge in ZXY convention.


A pyFAI poni file containing the geometry information of the experiment.


A cif file containing the lattice information of the sample.

load_miller_index(filename: str) None[source]

Load the guessing of Miller index.


A netcdf4 file of the guessing results.

load_previous_result(result_file: str) None[source]

Load the result from the previous peak indexing.


Output file from the PeakIndexer.

save_miller_index(filename: str) None[source]

Save the guess of Miller index.


A destination of netcdf4 file.

show(best_n: Optional[int] = None) None[source]

Print out the indexing results.

best_nT.Optional[int], optional

Only print out best n results, by default None

visualize(dataset_id: int, peak_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs) None[source]

Visualize the crystal maps.


A 0-index ID of the dataset.

peaksList[str], optional

A list of peak id in that dataset, by default None

class crystalmapping.peakindexer.PredictedReflection(q: Optional[ndarray] = None, d: Optional[ndarray] = None, tth: Optional[ndarray] = None, hkls: Optional[List[ndarray]] = None)[source]

The results of the predicted reflection.